

Directed by: Maria Peretzi

RODA Theater

RODA is affiliated with the Gurdjieff Foundation of Greece. Its aim is to establish the tradition of the Theater of the Sacred, to study on a practical and experiential level the teachings of the great philosopher of Pontus, Gurdjieff, through theater, music and dance.

Mrs. Peretzi puts special emphasis on the participation of everyone in the group in every step of the theatrical process. The lighting, the sound, the electrical installations of the stage, the transports and the setting of the sets are all carried out by all its members in a collective work. Having realized that the essential obstacle to achieving quality in any group effort is the conflicts of people that polarize their creative forces, both interpersonal conflicts as well as internal conflicts within, RODA studies in practice how to overcome such frictions.

With his spiritual exercise the “actor” of the RODA theater works essentially to restore the relationship with the deeper Self, with Consciousness. The effort to transcend the habitual postures of one’s body, the automatic emotion and reactions to the life stimuli, becomes the tool for revealing one’s true potential, and one’s connection with the sacred within. In this way, the spectator also becomes the recipient of a living initiatory process.

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Directed by: Maria Peretzi

With this monumental visionary production, Roda Theater brings to life the essence and the profound meaning of the nines days of the most famous ceremonies of ancient Greece, the Great Mysteries of Eleusis.

Starting with the representation of the Great Procession departing from Athens, this musical theater performance by Roda revives the sacred traditions of the Ceremonies, presenting spectators with the opportunity to live moments of a unique experience and of directly partaking in the vibration of the Eleusinian initiation process.

Paying respect to every aspect of these Ancient Events, and unfolding their philosophical, mystical and archaeological facts, Roda presents a ground breaking theatrical version of the Mysteries.

Through the parable of the seed entering the earth in order to bloom, the spirit of the initiates is appeased from the despair brought about by the seemingly dead-end prospect of death.

At Roda performances, the music is always live, performed by an eight-member orchestra.

With this production, Roda pays homage to the city of ELEUSIS, European Capital of Culture 2023.



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